The Area tool measures the planar area of the selected region.
Getting Started
- Select the ‘Area’ tool from the toolbar.
- Left click on the desired location in the point cloud scene to add the first boundary point. The ‘Scope’ tool will appear in the upper left corner of the viewer to assist with point selection.
- Continue to add area boundary points by left clicking the desired locations. The area measurement will be dynamically displayed on the viewer as boundary points are selected.
- Right click on the final boundary point to complete the area selection.
- The final area measurement will be displayed on the viewer and in the measurement box in the workspace.
Renaming, Viewing, and Editing the Area
- Select the Name icon to give the area a title.
- Select the Visibility icon to hide the area measurement on the viewer.
- To edit the area measurement, left click and drag any of the points to a new desired location. The new planar area will be automatically calculated.