Set access permissions for shared Private or Public files and canvases.

Set Permission Levels for Shared Public or Private Files/Canvases

There are two file permission levels to choose from for both ‘Public’ and ‘Private’ settings:

  1. Can view’: users can only view a shared file or canvas in presentation mode and may not download the file. This is ideal for publishing a public link.
  2. Can view and download’: users can view and download the file locally. ‘Private’ files shared using the email invite with ‘Can view and download’ permissions will allow users to ‘copy to my account’ the shared file.


Changing Privacy Settings and Permission Levels

  1. To manage permissions, open the ‘Share & Invite’ modal by either clicking the ‘share’ icon in the Files, Canvases, or Favorites page or from inside the viewer. This will prompt the ‘Share & Invite’ modal to appear.

Hover over the desired file and select the ‘share’ icon to open the ‘Share & Invite’ modal.

Hover over the desired file and select the ‘share’ icon to open the ‘Share & Invite’ modal.

Select the ‘share’ icon from the viewer to open ‘Share & Invite’ privacy settings.

Select the ‘share’ icon from the viewer to open ‘Share & Invite’ privacy settings.

Change permission levels from the ‘Share & Invite’ modal.

Change permission levels from the ‘Share & Invite’ modal.

  1. Public URL links will automatically update when permissions are changed from ‘can view’ to ‘can view and download’ and vice versa, even for public links that have already been shared.
  2. Permissions for ‘Private’ shared files can also be managed from the ‘Share & Invite’ modal.

Deactivating Public Links


Uploading 3D Files