Share files and canvases with ‘Private’ or ‘Public’ privacy permissions.

Getting Started

  1. From the ‘Files’, ‘Canvases’, or ‘Favorites’ pages, hover the mouse over a file and select the ‘Share’ icon.


  1. Alternatively, select the ‘Share’ icon from the viewer.


Share File via Public Link or Email Invite

The ‘Share’ modal will appear. Select either ‘Private’ or ‘Public’ privacy settings.



Accessing and Viewing a Shared File

  1. Public Access: A file shared via a ‘Public’ URL link will display the 3D viewer and access to all 3D tools. Users who access a file using a ‘Public’ link will not be able to save changes or markups on the file or canvas. If a public link is set with ‘can view and download’ permissions, users will be able to download the shared file locally.

A public URL link will allow users access to the 3D viewer but not save changes.

A public URL link will allow users access to the 3D viewer but not save changes.

  1. Private Access: To access a shared ‘Private’ file, both users will need to create a Stitch3D account. The email invite must be sent to the email address used to create the user’s Stitch3D account. The shared file will appear in the user’s ‘Shared’ page and display others with access to the file.
